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Price List

Bookkeeping services (based on the number of documents in the ledger):

Up to 10 documents

600,00 zł

11-25 documents

900,00 zł

26-50 documents

 1 100,00 zł

51-75 documents

1 300,00 zł

76-100 documents

1 500,00 zł

101-150 documents

1 800,00 zł

Over 150 documents: price determined individually

Accounting services dependent on the number of documents in the income and expense book:

Up to 10 documents

300,00 zł

11-25 documents

400,00 zł

26-50 documents

 500,00 zł

51-75 documents

600,00 zł

76-100 documents

700,00 zł

101-150 documents

900,00 zł

Over 150 documents: price determined individually

Payroll and HR services

HR services

50,00 zł/os.

Payroll services

50,00 zł/os.

HR-Payroll services

100,00 zł/os.

The logo of Finansowa Pasja, an accounting firm in Wieliczka run by Anna Sokolnicka and Emilia Plecher.

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Świerkowa 43, 32-089 Bębło

Chabrowa 36, 32-020 Wieliczka


Strona www stworzona w kreatorze WebWave.